If you already own TWO OR MORE properties, this training will catapult your real estate business to the next profit level…

“The Easy Way to Run a High-Profit, Low-Stress Real Estate Business In Just 4 Hours Per Week OR LESS!”

It only happens once every two years, when real estate icon Lou Brown invites a small group of investors to come learn the secrets to run and grow a buy and hold real estate empire.

And If You Missed It Last Time…Don’t Make The Same Mistake Now, Or You’ll Be Kicking Yourself Over The Amount of Money You’ll Lose in the Next 24 Months…
Friday, December 6th –
Sunday, December 8th, 2024

Location: Atlanta, GA

Mastering Business Advancement™

You’ll Be Shown How To:


  • Master Your Ability to Profit in Short & Long Term
  • Increase Your Monthly Cash Flow
  • Simplify the Role of Being a Landlord
  • Eliminate the Complexity of Property Management
  • Gain MASSIVE Tax Benefits
  • Beat Inflation and the Stock Market
Before you get to far into reading this letter, I want to warn you that if you are a real estate hobbyist…meaning you’re content to own a property or two and make a few thousand a year, then this letter probably isn’t for you.
But, if investing in real estate is your primary business…or you want to make it that way because you want to quit your “soul-sucking” job, take back your life and finally have your freedom – making an insane amount of money, then reading this page will have a dramatic impact on your immediate and long-term future.
What Full-Time Investing Really Means
Running a real estate investing business is a huge responsibility.
Seriously – it’s a big deal.
It is a business of mental and emotional intensity. People that are offended or pushed around easily will not be successful in real estate. You need to grow a thick skin and be prepared for pushback, or agents, other investors, and title companies will push you around.
This does not mean you need to be a jerk. You can be kind and respectful, without letting people push you around.
So how can you be kind and respectful without being a jerk?
You get the right training. You have the right systems in place, so when someone comes at you with a question, accusation or perplexing problem, you have the right response.
That’s what makes people realize that you are tough and smart and they will move onto hassling other people.
Folks will not try to play games with a person that obviously knows what they are doing.
And trust me, as a full-time real estate investor, you’re going to have times where you have to deal with a lot more stress than any 9-5 job will ever bring you, so if you want to take the plunge and quit your job, you’ll be far better served to get the training to create a sure thing before you take that leap of faith.
So how can you be prepared to make the leap from part-time to full-time investor in the coming years?
Easy… you secure a seat for yourself at the next MBA training in Atlanta or get your virtual ticket and watch over the internet from home.
To give you some background, in 2006 I taught my first “Mastering Business Advancement” course (MBA). Now you might be thinking, so what?
Well, if you remember, the real estate market was BOOMING then. In many parts of the country, people were making tens-of-thousands of dollars buying properties and turning them around in 30 to 60 days.
They were making HUGE profits, simply because the market was appreciating so fast.
Then what happened in 2007 and 2008?
The bottom fell out of the real estate market.
But guess what happened to all the folks who attended my MBA, stayed in business.
In fact, 12 years later, they are still in business.
All have grown their real estate businesses dramatically.
Why did they survive the biggest market crash in modern times?
Because I taught them how to get and stay “in the profits.”
It requires many steps and advance planning.
It’s no surprise to me when you look at a long-term successful business, that success can be traced back to an original plan and tweaking it along the way.
What Is The Next Massive Market Correction Going to Look Like?

Depending on who you listen to, you’ll get a dozen different answers.

We all know that the real estate market moves in cycles. Ups and downs.

The question is, when are we going to hit the next down?

Here’s what I know.
Trouble in the real estate cycle can be predicted when you start seeing an increase in unsold and unoccupied inventory and when occupancy falls below the long-term average and an increase in interest rates.
The hitch here is, other than interest rates, which affect us nationally, depending on where you live, you may be experiencing either or both of the others.
Friend, now is the time for you to tweak your plan. It’s time to work on your business not in
your business.
It’s time to discover what is missing and take action to get those things done.
Let’s face it – without taking the time to focus attention on your business nothing will happen. You’ll flip-flop around and do what is right before your face. Just like you have been doing.
Then, if a market correction comes, you aren’t prepared.
The truth is, profit comes in many forms. Income is only part of the story. Tax savings, added profit per deal, staff cost savings through team building, and so much more make up the right plan.
Planning for these things is the key.
That is why you need to come learn how to do this for your business.
And, I only teach this once every two years.
It will be another two years before you can benefit from this growth experience if you don’t do it now.
Isn’t now the time step up and design a business you can live into? It’s the little things that matter and that is exactly what we will focus on at MBA.

We’ll Start With A Fun Little Process of You Getting to Know You!

First, you’ll go online and take a test. It’s a personality test. It is designed to determine
exactly who you are.
Then at the event we will determine who you are not and the personality types you need to help
you get where you need to be.

After we figure out who you’re not, then we will go to the next step.

  • Who do you need and how can you hire them?
  • Where and how do you advertise?
  • What do you say?
  • How do you interview them?
  • What do you pay?
  • What do you want?
At MBA, we’ll start there.We’ll come up with what all that costs, what is the financial number, and then design a plan to get you there.
You’ll get down to the brass tacks and find out what you want and what you need to do to get it.
Once we get that number now we need to create the capitalization to get there.
How much do you need? And where are you going to get it?
You’ll learn how to capitalize your business to get where you want.
We’ll even meet up close and personal with a banker who will tell us exactly how to approach the bank to get the money.
What you need to say and what you need to show… and what you should not say or show!
Then We Need To Find Out What Your Challenges Are.
What is not working? What do you find challenging? We identify those things and then we design the plan.
Now it’s time to get down to business.
If you really want a business that lasts, you need to know how to create a real business plan.
Maybe you’ve had a basic one but to build a multi-million-dollar business, you need more.
We’ll do this together at MBA.
Now it’s time to build in the extra pieces of the plan.
What are the tax benefits you should be going for?
How can you put yourself in a position to win?
How do you account for this?
Not only will we work together on this, but we will also learn the paperwork you need to get this done.
We’ll cover how to set up your office.
What is the paperwork?
What is important and what isn’t?
When you graduate MBA you’ll know what to do, when and how to do it.
And, this is not being advertised everywhere. This is only open to Street Smart clients. I created this training because I found all of this was a huge missing piece for most of our licensees.
At MBA, you will spend three days with me and see how to transform your business into the multi-million-dollar money maker it can be. I’ve added some new elements I think you’ll like as well.
We’ll also talk about the automation of your business and how to have staff 24/7/365 to totally grow your business to the next level.
“Lou has the ability to entertain and educate at the same time and is very thorough in his preparation.
He provides a road map to wealth, a system to encourage people to get started, but best of all he knows how to show you the way to protect your wealth once you have built it. He is fabulous.”
– Keith Begly, Wooster, OH
“Everyone who has a family should be here.
Thinking you know what you are doing and actually learning what you should know are 2 different things.This event has truly changed my life in more ways than one. This event should be a mandatory requirement for life! Your program is truly a turn key system and your teaching style is easy to follow and comprehend.
– Donna Lowery, Plano, TX

Those are just a few of the new additions I’ve made for you. I’m going to keep the rest to myself as I don’t want my competition to know.

But let’s just say I will reveal things at this training I never talk about at any other event.

That’s right. You need new strategies for a new market.
Let’s get together December 6th, 7th, & 8th, 2024.
Let’s plan to have a transformation from where you are to where you are headed.
What will your business look like one year from now?
Where else can you get this training?
Nowhere. Why?
Because this is designed to fit around your Street Smart real estate business.
You’ll be shocked just how you can transform your business simple and easy.
Let me ask you… if you decide not to come, will you regret it?
What could your business look like?
Will you know if you don’t come?
Will you miss out on many thousands of extra dollars you could have had?
You’ll even leave with the special magic auto fill disk with all the business forms you’ll need to make this work right away for you.
Make the decision now to join me for this life-changing, business-changing training. You’ll be glad you did. And of course it is fully guaranteed.
Your homework will begin prior to the event so you’ll come ready to have the transformation happen.
And don’t forget that you’ll be sitting right next to others who are building a business just like you are. You can pick each other’s brains during the networking we have planned for you.
Where Will Your Business Be One Year from Now?
Come join me… and everyone else at this event and let’s design it together. I’ll see you there!
To Your Profits!


General Admission

  • Full 3-Day Conference
  • MBA Forms Event Manual
  • Official Graduation Certificate
  • 110% Money-Back Guarantee

Online Streaming

  • Full 3-Day Online Access
  • Downloadable Forms/Event Manual
  • Certificate of Virtual Completion
  • Ability to Interact and Ask Questions

P.S. Don’t forget the bonuses we are giving you.
  1. An online personality test to figure out who you are missing in your organization. Yes, you can include your Spouse or staff as well.
  2. Special software. Auto-fill CD-ROM including all the forms we will cover in class.
  3. Advance homework and lessons
I’ll be hosting this seminar in person and virtually. I HIGHLY encourage you to join us live, but if you can’t, then JOIN US ONLINE with our NO TRAVEL REQUIRED “online streaming” option. The bottom line is this – if you’re serious about investing, you need to be here – you can call my team at 1-800-578-8580 to reserve your tickets today.
Nobody else is providing this kind of value in a workshop – and then, when you leave – you will have the tools and the software in your hands to master your business! That’s right – we’re going to fill your tool box up with:
    • The Mastering Business Advancement – loaded with the templates and forms you need to run your business
    • The MBA Auto Fill software that helps you turn the entire process into a simple auto-fill template
    • Three days of training and the resources to get all your questions answered – before it’s too late!
Attending This Event Is Extremely Important Because I Won’t Be Offering This Again Until 2026!
Will YOUR Business SURVIVE That Long?
No Stand-In Speakers,
You Get The 40-Year Guru Every Day!










Yeah Baby!

Go ahead and call the team at 1-800-578-8580 and get registered to join me from your home or office as we do this virtual training LIVE!

All the Best –
Lou Brown
P.S. Don’t just take my word for it! Listen to what your friends and my students are saying once they got a grip on their business with the Mastering Business Advancement:
What People Are Saying:
Worth a Lifetime of Hard Work!
“The event is incredible informative shows how to drastically improve efficiency and probability. So, it’s worth a lifetime of hard work and acquiring assets.”
– Mitchell MacGregor, Chattanooga, TN

Helps You Build Your Own Wealth!

It’s not only less expensive than other gurus’ training, but it’s a cohesive training. Lou Brown is not only a capitalist (God bless him!), but he is a capitalist with a heart. He truly wants to help this great country get back on track and to help individuals and families on their paths to home ownership while helping other real estate investors build their own wealth. Lou and his system are the real deal!

– Laura Abbott, White Plains, NY
Watch These Videos to See Why You Must Attend Any Lou Event!
Come Learn From Multi-Millionaire Veteran of Real Estate Investing:
Lou Brown

Lou Brown’s passion for Real Estate began as teenager when his mother’s friend from work, (who Lou affectionately called “aunt Mabel”) bought the duplex she and her husband lived in. They then rented out the other side and were able to live for free. The next year, they bought a second duplex on the same street. Then another and another. Then they moved out of their own duplex into a nice big house on a corner lot, with a large yard and a Cadillac in the driveway.

Lou saw that the secret to their great lifestyle came from accumulating property. In fact, it was Mabel who urged Lou to buy his first home in 1976, while he was working a dead-end job and barely scraping by. That push from aunt Mabel enabled Lou to finally move himself and his mother out of rentals, into their own home. But most importantly, it helped him learn how to buy property without needing to borrow money from a bank.

From that point on, he was unstoppable. What started as a desperate attempt to drag himself and his single mom out of poverty, has turned into one of the most incredible success stories in real estate.

Today, investors in all fifty states, across Canada and fifteen foreign countries, regard the training, systems and forms created by Lou Brown as the best in the industry.
Lou draws from a wide and varied background as a real estate investor and for decades he continues to be quoted as an expert by publications and authors. He’s invested in single-family homes, apartments, hotels, and notes. Lou has developed subdivisions and built and renovated homes and apartments.
Lou is widely known as a creative financing genius for his deal structuring concepts. Being a teacher at heart, he’s enjoyed sharing his discoveries with others through his Street Smart®️Investor training since 1987.
His heart for people who long to be homeowners, but don’t have the resources to do it the traditional way, prompted him to found the brand known as Certified Affordable Housing Provider®️ and Lou has inspired entrepreneurs to join his ‘Doing Good While Doing Well™️’ movement which has grown to over 500 CAHP offices nationwide.
One of the things that sets Lou apart from others in the real estate education business is his heart for helping not only the people who turn to him for guidance, but anyone involved in the business of real estate.
He has served the industry in many volunteer positions such as past President and designated lifetime member of the Georgia Real Estate Investors Association (GaREIA). He is also the founding President of the National Real Estate Investors Association (NaREIA), which serves as the umbrella association of local investor groups . Lou is the undisputed, King of real estate cash flow!
This Training Was Invaluable

– Angela McKee,

Jackson, TN

Awesome Event!

Been waiting for 6 months to learn how to do this. Thanks Lou, Janice, Helga, and staff. You are the best!!


– Joe Lantrip,

St. Charles, MO

Why spend all the time and effort to acquire properties if you can’t manage your business and grow?

MBA taught us the best and most cost effective system for growing and preserving our portfolio for generations. This seminar is priceless.


– Karen Rittenhouse,

Jamestown, NC
Makes me wonder what else I don’t know. What is Lou doing/does he know that he hasn’t shared yet!

– Joe Shojayi,

Merriam, KS

Absolutely astounding!


I am all smiles and it’s with firm confidence.


– Roger Y. Allen,

Acton, MA
Thank you!
The event brings the aspect of investing together and allows us to go home and put the concepts to work!

– Blair Milliken,

Englewood, FL
I can’t believe how undeniably complete this system is with Lou!
Such that you know you have more meaningful tax and asset protection knowledge than almost all legal counsel could give you. And you can believably do this yourself.

– Todd Gillan,

Lowell, MI
I have always wanted to be mentored so that I could take my business to another level.
Most of the time I have found that most people did not want to for fear of competition or they did not know what they were talking about. You have truly been a blessing to me and my family/business. I thank you.
Yea Baby!!!

– Clardy Richardson,

Everyone in all different phases of the RE world can learn from this event.

Bringing spouses is so valuable and integral to the success of the investor – the better my understanding of the whole process the more I can help and the quicker I can start doing my own deals!” /div>


– Ivy Bliss,

Springfield, MA
Lou is the best teacher with the best all inclusive system for doing real estate safely and keeping assets.
I wish we attended Lou’s seminar first. We could have skipped the rest.

– Marcia Montgomery,

San Antonio, TX
Invaluable information.
I wish I would have gotten the training from the beginning of my real estate career – I’d be a multi-millionaire ten times over.

– Kyle L. Pace,

Charlotte, NC
I feel that I can move forward with more confidence and solid usable knowledge after each event.
The event inspires me to continue on in the real estate business and overcome discouragement. The trust training has been very interesting to me and I feel Lou has given me a clear understanding of a complicated subject.

– Phillip Smith,

Washington, DC

This Won’t Be Taught Again Until 2026
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late…


Call 1-800-578-8580